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Ecopsychology Explorers
(Some of those actively engaged in Scholarly Research and/or Creative Ecopsychological/Human-Nature Relationship Explorations)
Dept. of Outdoor Education and Nature Tourism
Research interests: environmental ethics, ecospirituality, sacred cosmology, the healing powers of nature. Current
project: how do nature experiences and outdoor pursuits assist recovery from traumatic life events, e.g., spinal cord injury. Other project: how do individuals learn to care for nature?
List of publications Beringer, A. (2001). "In search of the sacred: A conceptual analysis of spirituality." Journal of Experiential Education, in press. Beringer, A. and Martin, P. (2000). "Where is nature? Adventure therapy and the natural world." Scisco Conscientia, in press. Beringer, A. (2000). "Nature experiences and outdoor pursuits in the psychological adjustment to physical disability following spinal cord injury (SCI)", Rehabilitation Psychology , submitted for review. Beringer, A. (2000). "Being moved by nature: Healing through nature and implications for an ethics of care for nature." Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Bellingham, Washington 17 – 22 June 2000, in press. Beringer, A. (2000). "Ecospirituality: true, indigenous, western." Australian Journal of Environmental Education 16, in press. Beringer, A. (1999). "Earth requiem: Letter to a grieving friend." Boulder, CO: Association for Experiential Education Individual Monograph # 300198. Beringer, A. (1999). "On adventure therapy and Earth healing". Australian Journal of Outdoor Education 4(1), 33-39. Chenery, M.F. and Beringer, A. (1998). "Reconsidering what feels like failure." Australian Journal of Environmental Education 14, 27-38.
Director: Project NatureConnect at the Institute of Global Education Director: Institute of Applied Ecopsychology, Akamai University (http://www.akamaiuniversity.us)
Chair: Greenwich University Applied
Faculty: Portland State University Extended Studies P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
888-285-4694 (toll free)
Project NatureConnect at the Institute of Global Education researches and implements a Natural Systems Thinking Process that enables people online to share, thoughtful sensory contacts with attractions in natural areas in order to increase personal and environmental wellness. The Project offers subsidized Professional Certification and M.S. and Ph.D Degree programs and courses.
The website contains Research Questionnaire
Results and analysis of the
Webstring Natural Systems Thinking Process Approach to Personal and Global
SYNOPSIS: Backyard or back country, the
Natural Systems Thinking Process (NSTP) is an easily accessible sensory
tool that empowers us to improve our health and relationships by genuinely
connecting our psyche to its origins in nature's peace and beauty.
-Nature sustains its perfection by recycling itself; nature continually
purifies and heals its disorders.
-We suffer many discontents because although we are part of nature, most of
us live excessively nature separated lives; we deprive ourselves of
nature's restorative qualities.
-When we visit a natural area and begin to feel revitalized or clear-headed,
we are sensing natural systems starting to heal our stress or disturbed
Benefit from activities in natural areas that strengthen the maverick
natural genius within you. Enjoy an Earth friendly job, career,
internship, certification, or online advanced degrees in Applied
Ecopsychology or Integrated Ecology
Relevant Publications:
Dept. of Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Online MA in Transpersonal Psychology
Naropa University Description of Research Interests Relevant Publications: "The transpersonal dimensions of ecopsychology: Nature, non-duality, and spiritual practice." The Humanistic Psychologist (1998, Spr/Sum/Autumn), Vol. 26, (Nos. 1-3), pp 69-100. "An integrated approach to the scientific study of the human spirit." In Driver, B., et al., Eds. (1996). Nature and the Human Spirit: Toward an Expanded Land Management Ethic. Radnor, PA: Venture Publishing. Pages 417-429. The Diamond Approach: An Introduction to the Teachings of A. H. Almaas. (1999, Boston: Shambhala Pub.) "We Keep Asking Ourselves, What is Transpersonal Psychology?" Guidance and Counseling (2000, Spring), Vol. 15 (No. 3), pp 3-8.
Seattle, Washington
Corona Farm, Port Townsend, Washington
Research Associate Professor Peter H. Kahn, Jr. is Research Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Washington. He is also Co-Director of The Mina Institute (Covelo, CA), an organization that seeks to promote, from an ethical perspective, the human relationship with nature and technology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1988. His publications have appeared in such journals as Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, Human Development, Environmental Values, and Journal of Systems Software. His 1999 award-winning book (MIT Press) is titled The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture. His edited volume (MIT Press, 2002) with Stephen Kellert is titled Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural, and Evolutionary Investigations. His research projects are currently being funded by The National Science Foundation. See http://faculty.washington.edu/pkahn/ for more information.
The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture,
"Peter Kahn addresses a subject important to humanity correctly, not as an
advocate of genetic or cultural hypotheses, but as a scholar pondering the way
in which the two forms of evolution are interwoven. His conclusions are informed
by his own considerable research, presented in a clear and interesting manner.
This is a significant contribution to the understanding of the human
Department of Human Ecology
Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Laarbeeklaan 107/D150
1090 Brussels
Research Interests:
Traditional norms versus Formal state laws in nature conservation. Psychology
of human needs and biodiversity conservation theory. The enhancement of
local knowledge and practice versus national park strategy in Sub-saharan
Africa. Cultural modification and impacts on local knowledge and perceptions.
Current Research:
Local Knowledge and Perceptions on Nature Conservation in the Korup National
Park in Cameroon
Head of The Department of Outdoor Education and Nature
La Trobe University, Bendigo
Victoria, Australia
Research interests lie in understanding the human to
nature relationship and the way such relationships develop. As a
consequence how might educational practices be structured to foster such
development? In particular I believe human/nature relationships are
formed in the affective rather than cognitive domain - they exist as felt
relationships based on personal direct experience with the natural world.
Relevant publications
Beringer, A. & Martin, P. (2003). On
Adventure Therapy and The Natural Worlds: Respecting nature's healing.
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 3 (1), 29-39.
Martin, P. & Thomas, G. (2001)
Interpersonal relationships as a metaphor for human-nature relationships.
Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 5, (1), 39-45.
Martin, P. (1999). Daring to Care? -
Humans, Nature and Outdoor Education. Australian Journal of Outdoor
Education, 4, (1), 2-4.
Martin, P. (1999) Critical Outdoor
Education. In Miles, J. & Priest, S. (Ed.) (1999) Adventure Education
(2nd Ed.) (pp. 463-471). State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
phone 250-746-6141 Description of research interests
Publications related to ecopsychology: Lawrance, R., Littley, S., & Scull, J. (2000) Three landholder contact programs in British Columbia. Paper presented at Caring for our Land: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada. University of Guelph, June 4, 2000 and 8th International Symposium on Society and Natural Resource Management, Western Washington University, June 19, 2000. Scull, J. (1996 - 2000) "Applied ecopsychology." Workshops presented at Malaspina University College, the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia, and the Urban Salmon Habitat Program, and elsewhere. Scull, J. (1999) "Ecopsychology: Where does it fit in psychology?" Scull, J. (1999) "The Separation from More-than-Human Nature." Scull, J. (2000) Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom. Gatherings #1, ICE Journal Scull, J. (2000) Chief Seattle...er, Ted Perry speaks. Gatherings #2, ICE Journal Scull, J. (2000) Caring for the Land. Gatherings #3, ICE Journal Scull, J. (2001) Health Notes: Connecting with Nature. EnCompass, Volume 5, Number 4, May/June. Scull, J. (2001) Building an Organic Left, Canadian Dimension, Volume 35, May/June. Scull, J. (2001) Is it Ever Too Late? The Rescue of Tower Hill. Gatherings #5, ICE JournalScull, J. (2002) Why would anyone go to jail to save trees? Gatherings #7, ICE Journal Also book reviews in most issues of Gatherings. These are all available here.
Yes, I would like to have my contact info on your website. My most consistent
email address is:
Sewell, L. (*1999) Sight and Sensibility : The Ecopsychology of
Director, Center for Ecopsychology Naropa University Center For Ecopsychology Professional Trainings, Academic Programs & Wilderness Journeys Exploring the Human-Nature Relationship Jed Scott Swift, M.A. is the Director of the Center for Ecopsychology at
Naropa University and a half time core faculty in Transpersonal Psychology.
He has created several other successful educational organizations over the past
twenty years including the Colorado Sacred Earth Institute and the Shavano
Institute (co-founded with Will Keepin). He is also an experienced wilderness
guide and former co-director of Earth Rites, Inc. a rites of passage
organization. Jed has also authored a chapter in The Soul Unearthed: Celebrating
Wildness & Personal Renewal Through Nature. The Center for Ecopsychology was founded in August 2000 to meet the growing demand for both professional trainings and academic courses in Ecopsychology. The Center offers both non-credit professional trainings and for-credit academic courses, including a 16 credit certificate program in Ecopsychology. The certificate in Ecopsychology is available either as an on-campus or as an on-line program. For further information on the on-line program, please call Naropa Distance Learning at 303-245-4703. For information on any of the professional trainings, please call Continuing Education at 303-245-4800 or toll free at 1-800-603-3117. Naropa University’s unique approach to Ecopsychology is grounded in contemplative practice, combining experiential and conceptual learning with awareness training, including meditation and nature-based mindfulness. These practices disclose the reciprocal and seamless connections between ourselves and the world, and nurture our innate desire to contribute to the well-being of both people and planet with understanding and compassion. What Is Ecopsychology? Ecopsychology is a new field that is developing in recognition that human health can not be separated from the health of the whole and must include mutually enhancing relationships between humans and the non-human world. Ecopsychology attempts to bridge the gap between humanity and the earth, between ecology and psychology, to learn to again see the needs of the person and the needs of the planet as interrelated and interdependent. Ecopsychology suggests that the violence that we do to ourselves and to the natural world results from our psychological and spiritual separation from nature. By ecologizing psychology and bringing psychological insight into the ecology movement, it seeks to understand the psychological dimensions of the environmental crisis and to help us recover our capacities to care for the earth and each other. Areas of interest to ecopsychologists include effective environmental education and action, ecotherapy, the healing and initiatory influences of encounters with "wild" nature, development of the "ecological" self, creating healthy alternatives to materialism and consumerism and the spiritual dimensions of the human-nature relationship.
The psychological effects of being in wilderness for extended stays. My inquiry involves:
Four central meaning aspect clusters emerge:
This study illuminates the process of entering wilderness and points to nature connecting as a way toward psychological wholeness, personal purpose and meaning while largely validating previous research and raising questions for further research in this area. An Exploration of Wilderness Effects: A Phenomenological Inquiry
My research is about changing the way humans think about wildlife. I think that that is the foundation of ecopsychology.
I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to Relevant Publications: Wildlife and the Ecocity -- Attitudes Toward Wildlife. Third International Ecocity Conference, Dakar, Senegal, January 12, 1996. Wildlife Need Habitat Off-Limits to Humans. Sixth International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable (TRT6) Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan, October 27, 2000
The Animals Came Dancing
-- Native American and European Rationalizations for Killing Wildlife -- Do the
Animals Really Care?. Eighth International Tsukuba Bioethics Roundtable
(TRT8), Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan, February 16, 2003.
Professor of Natural Sciences Research Interests: The possibilities of a eco-centric paradigm shift in worldview relating to the human-nature relationship. Comparative eco-ethno-spirituality. The relationships between spirituality and environmental ethics, worldviews and environmental policy. Pertinent publications and presentations:
The environmental consequences of a community's worldview regarding the human-nature relationship and its sense of place and time: Lessons from history, wisdom from indigenous peoples, and application to contemporary communities.
The Emerging Interdisciplinary Field of Ecopsychology.
"Hunter-Gatherers in Suits and Ties."
Gaeaphobia: Ecophobia, Ecomania and "Otherness" in the Late 20th Century
"Eco-Psycho-Spiritual Geographic Boundaries," "Cosmologies, Ancient, Old and New and their Relationship to Environmental Ethics: Can the Human - Nature Paradigm be Shifted?" Paper presented at 11th International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology: Democracy and Sustainability. Oct. 17-21, 2000, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Green Fire: The Spirit of Nature. Book in progress.
This is a community effort and we welcome your contribution. Are you pursuing research or exploring the human-nature relationship? Would you like to add a description of your work here and connect with other Ecopsychological Researchers and Explorers? Just send an email to: explorations@ecopsychology.org |
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Robin van Tine
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Last Updated: December 2003