Our Nature: Stories of Wildness
Selected and Introduced by Donna Seaman
Foreward by Diane Ackerman
(Dorling Kindersley, NY: 2000)
tales, written by such short story luminaries as Margaret Atwood,
Barry Lopez, E.L. Doctrow, and Lorrie Moore, make up this volume
of human interaction with the natural world. Only a few in this
group of scribblers are particularly known for their concern for
the environment, but they are all writers concerned with the human
spirit, and Seamans premise is that wildness is an essential,
and inescapable, elemental part of us all.
are some brief excerpts from Seamans introduction and a few
of the stories, to give you a taste of the pleasures to be found
and praisers of beauty, we find as much cause for rejoicing as
for sorrow as we walk the line between what remains of wilderness
and our rabidly consumptive civilization. Pattern-focused and
word-struck, we love stories the wild fruits of our imagination
not because they offer solutions to problems, but because
they illuminate our place in the shimmering universe and open
our hearts to the music in our blood a song beyond measure
written in the stars, spun in the seas, and rooted deeply in the
teeming earth. Our nature is all nature wild, mysterious,
and full of grace."
Boy, by Rick Bass
The story of a man, looking back over his memory of being one of
a gang of teenage boys, obsessed with harassing what turns out to
be a rather compelling nature geek:
ripple blew across the water a slight mystery in the wind
or a subtle swamp movement just beneath the surface. I could feel
some essence, a truth, down in the soil beneath my feet
but Id catch myself before saying to the other boys, "Lets
go." Instead of jumping into the water, or giving myself
up to the search for whatever that living essence was beneath
me, I watched."
Life as a Bat, by Margaret Atwood
The narrator, recalling an earlier incarnation as a bat:
it isnt my life as a bat that was the interlude. Perhaps
it is this life. Perhaps I have been sent into human form as if
on a dangerous mission, to save and redeem my own folk. When I
have gained a small success, or died in the attempt for
failure, in such a task and against such odds, is more likely
I will be born again, back into that other form, that other
world where I truly belong.
and more, I think of this event with longing. The quickness of
heartbeat, the vivid plunge into the nectars of crepuscular flowers,
hovering in the infrared of night; the dank lazy half-sleep of
daytime, with bodies rounded and soft as furred plums clustering
around me, the mothers licking the tiny amazed faces of the newborn;
the swift love of what will come next, the anticipation of the
tongue and of the unfurled, corrugated and scrolled nose, nose
like a dead leaf, nose like a radiator grille, nose of a denizen
of Pluto."
Open Lot by Barry Lopez
The different paths Jane Weddell takes on her route to work each
day help chart her path through hidden treacheries and opportunities:
patterns of her traverses from one day to the next gave her a
sense of the vastness in which she lived; she was aware not only
of the surface of each street but, simultaneously, of the tunneling
below, which carried water mains and tree roots, like the meandering
chambers of gophers. And ranging above, she knew without having
to look, were tiers upon tiers of human life, the joy and anger
and curiosity of creatures like herself."