Written & Performed by Harriet Greenwood
stood on the highest hill and then I cried
nobody answered me
climbed up the tallest tree but it was bare
far as my eyes could see
where is the earth I knew
what have we done to you
but it seems that they don’t want to know
maybe they can’t bear to feel
break the glass hold back the weather
aren’t we all in this together
surely this can’t be down to me
surely this can’t be up to me
surely this can’t be down to me
fly to the furthest north no wild birds call
the ice has turned to mud
swim for the southern seas they burn my skin
the coral bleached and dead
how did you get this way
I told them so I say
and I’m tired of being angry all the time
sweet mother earth this may not be for long
you will not go gentle, let me weep on your breast
I’m tired of being angry all the time
like an old love whose time may not be long
why should I love you less?
Cassandra Blues – wow! Powerful message ….aren’t we all in this together?
We share a name – Harriet Greenwood. I live in Michigan and was named after my grandmother who lived in Ohio.
How did you get your name?
Hello Harriet,
My surname is accidental, I am Wood, my life partner is called Green and we both like Greenwood and use it informally but can’t be bothered with the hassle of changing it
Thanks for liking the song.
It’s so rare to meet someone else called Harriet – and then the last name too! What a great story about combining names.
I do love the song – and the title. Cassandra is such a mythic figure – and an awful curse that resonates with current day understandings of science and climate change.
It helps to make art that resonates.