Red Path Spiritman & This Is

Posted on January 14, 2013 by Amy Lenzo

Two pieces from David Sparenberg, author of Life in the Age of Extinctions (free download), starting with Red Path Spiritman:

native-american4A man stands on open ground.  His arms stretched wide, his chest lifted, his head tossed back.  Facing skyward he hangs by the spider threads of creation.  He hangs by mere light beams of the sun.

Nobody forgets this young man.  Nobody forgets the earth warrior.  He watches over the continent of Turtle Island.

Elders gather to chant and remember.  Women come around making circle, to wail and moan, and to shed tears.  Children stand by, silent in awestruck wonder.

The peoples’ eyes are on face of the young man.  The peoples’ eyes are looking into the earth warrior.  A cry goes out over the land, and is answered by rumbling thunder.

Facing skyward, ribbons of shadow, like cords of leather, paint dark stripes of ages and ancestry across his body—shadows lashing the glow of golden skin. He hangs by light beads clinging to threads of whispers.

Sun comes down now, parenting to dance within him.  People are like straw before this vision.  People are like candles in the wind.

Nobody forgets this young man.  Nobody forgets the earth warrior.  He watches over the continent of Turtle Island.

When moon is full, when moon spills over, the dancer dreams.  When dawn returns, he walks the Earth.  In those footsteps, blood of sacrifice.  In those footsteps, sweat of suffering.  In those footsteps, brightness of the Red Path rekindles.  In those footsteps, offerings, and sweetness of honey.

This Is
by David Sparenberg

I am here
This is my life
The pain and sorrow
The love and joy
Wandering and discovery
The loss and recovery

I am standing
I do walking
Dance of creation
I dance
I am dancing
Drum of creation
Drums deep in my heart

Out over the Earth
I go walking
Out over the Earth
I go dreaming
Out over the Earth
I go praying

I am walk
I am dream
I am prayer
I am here
This is my life