Rosehips in Goldern, Switzerland
photo by Amy Lenzo 04/12/04
Scull asked his friends and family for an
unusual birthday present when he turned 60 a few months
15/12/04 |
Writer Ian Johnstone brings up questions
about purpose and method in this thoughtful report
on last year's International Nature Writers Muster
in Australia...07/12/04 |
Concept of a New (Ecocentric) Legal Philosophy:
Dr. Senk Plicanic, Slovenian Professor of Evironmental
Law lays out a rigorous academic argument for a total
rethinking of environmental law...04/12/04
Janet Thomas describes her discovery of Nature's
Healing Grace through Mike Cohen's NatureConnect
project.04/12/04 |

Photo by Amy Lenzo
there an alchemical marriage in the cards
for the Green Man and Gaia? Andrew Rothery explores
the history and emergence of Gaia's male counterpart
in his article "The
Science of the Green Man"...28/06/04 |
"Wildness is the best psychiatrist
you could ever want to meet."
Cookson's tells us why in "Wildness,
the Forgotten Partner to Evolution"...28/06/04 |
Kari Mosden introduces the issues
on either side of a wilderness debate and asks
what contributions ecopsychology
and the deep ecology movement have to offer the conversation
Personal conversations with ecopsychology
pioneers Ralph Metzer, Theodore Roszak, Robert
Greenway and Warick Fox: Mark Schroll offers a revised
history of his earlier work on the
origins of Ecopsychology...28/06/04 |
by Amy Lenzo
the Sanctuary of this special 360° panoramic
photograph, 'Forest', created by Uri Cogan for the
World Wide Panorama
project... 24/12/04 |
Mike Cohen was commissioned
to produce an album
songs for the National Audobon
"When Columbus discovered this country
it was full of nuts and berries; now most of the
berries are gone."
-Uncle Dave Macon, old time folk singer
Elanta, partner of ICE member John Croft,
died of a brain tumor recently.
But she left us with this powerful
... 04/12/04

Ridge and Kennicot, Alaska
Photo by Heather Keven 04/12/04 |
Four poems by new contributor Presley Yekanamialye
Kokwaiye, from the rainforests of Papua,
New Guinea... 04/12/04
From the Shack"
by Mary Jenkins of Australia, including "On
Being Seventy", & "Dotos and
>>> 04/12/04
J. Gregory makes a visit to Walden Pond
to recover the visions of his youth...
of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Earth
And all the life which it supports,
One planet, in our care,
With sustenance and respect
for all.
In this short story,
writer Frances Roberts looks to a 14-year-old girl
for the beginning of her life's search and origins
as an artist ...28/06/04
Emerson quote and poem (below) are just two
entries in a compelling reverie of Nature Writings,
collected and introduced
by Ian Johnson...28/06/04 |

"Eucalyptus near Bolinas Bay"
Photo by Amy Lenzo
28/06/04 |
(Eucalyptus Pauciflora Niphophila)
by Ian M. Johnstone
tortured look reminds us of a bonsai written large,
Its uniform of cream-green-grey could teach us camouflage.
In its trunk there’s signs of struggle, as
if distorted by some pain,
Like legs bent down to lift a weight, it’s
strong to take the strain.
It twists and casts dead branches, it compromises
and survives,
Rugged beauty’s forced upon it, and we see
in it, our lives.
Moyers accepted Harvard's Global Environmental
Citizen's Award with great concern over the current
cultural & religious climate in America
today ...06/12/04 |
week I was enchanted by a Patrick Dougherty
installation at The Contemporary Museum
in Honolulu... 04/12/04

Dougherty's "Na Hale 'O Waiawi"
photo by Amy Lenzo 04/12/04
member Ann Jarnett has been honored by the
Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication,
with their first Lifetime
Achievment in Environmental Education Award...04/12/04
never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a NEW model that makes
the existing model obsolete."
~Buckminster Fuller |
Worcester reviews Sacred Presence, by Robert
Wild ~ Perhaps the Christian Church has always
stood at the crossroad between the old and the new.
These days the clashing of tectonic plates might be
a better metaphor...
04/12/04 |
Bird Media is about to release the film Time
after Time, celebrating the great heritage of
ancient Celtic, American and Australian peoples.
See the short
preview online.
DVD Series from Cosmologist, Brian Swimme,
“Powers of the Universe”...
04/12/04 |
editor of Landscapes of the Heart: Narratives
of Nature and Self describes the book's
genesis and inspiration, evoking wise
men and the Canadian boreal forests that nurture them...

"White GInger, Hawaii"
Photo by Amy Lenzo
28/06/04 |
of Nature: Five artists celebrate their
relationships with the natural world in an exhibition
of their work at the Bedford Gallery in Wanut Creek,
California. Through August 15. Check
out the virtual tour ...28/06/04 |
wind sows the seed; the sun evaporates the sea;
the wind blows the vapour to the field; the ice,
on the other side of the plaet, condenses rain on
this; the rain feeds the plant; the plant feeds
the animal: and thus the endless circulations of
the divine charity nourish man."
~ RW Emerson “Nature”
(1836) |
Dave Paulson reviews a
free Nature Connect online course that
offers a healing response to the de-sensitization
to nature that is killing the planet, and causing
untold damage to
our mental health...28/06/04