Table of Contents
Introduction to the Fall Gatherings
~John Scull, editor
the tides -LowTide 2000
~some ICE members
Lesson from
Nature: Disappearing boundaries
~Allison Weeks
Moon Gravy - sights
and sounds offshore
~Alan Keitt
New Beginnings
~Jan Brooks
Running towards
the moon
~Sylvie Shaw
Echo of a sigh
caling me
~Damian Finn
~Bob Worcester
Connecting with
~C. D. Redman
Fear Dog
~Alan Keitt
Scenes from a
~Tana Worcester
~Michael J. Cohen
Waterlog - Wild Swimming
~Harriet Wood
first you have to row a little boat
- Life as a Cruise
~John Scull
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Seeking Ecopsychology
The Fall Issue: November 2000
The Fall Editor ~
John Scull
Fire llustration by Alexi Francis

and milly and molly and may
by E. E.
maggie and
milly and molly and may
went down to the beach(to play one day)
and maggie
discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and
befriended a stranded star
whose rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a
horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and
may came home with
a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose(like
a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea
children in E. E. Cummings' poem show us the underlying
paradox of ecopsychology -- that we
can best find
ourselves by searching outside our small selves.
In this issue of Gatherings we share
some stories of our voyages of self discovery in,
on, and near the water.
Sit down by the
fire and enjoy the
stories and verses, then go outdoors and create some tales and
poems of your
own. It's always ourselves we find in Nature.
-the editor
Welcome to the November Gatherings
This issue moves away
from some of the scholarship and history of earlier Gatherings
and towards reflections on our direct experiences of nature. The
editor, John Scull, explains more in introduction
to the Fall Gatherings.
We are fortunate to have
permission to reproduce E. E. Cummings lyrical
poem maggie and millie and molly and may.
This lilting verse reminds us that we can approach nature as children,
even though we may find more than we expect.
ICE began as an email
discussion group. Last May we had a chat about our connection to
the tides and the theme of this issue of Gatherings grew out of this
conversation, presented in edited form in Celebrating
the tides -LowTide 2000. The participants in this exchange
were writers Amy Lenzo and Harriet Woods, environmental educator Ann
Jarnet, and ecopsychologists Robert Greenway, John Scull, and
Sylvie Shaw.
Project Nature Connect
(PNC) is
the creation of ICE member Michael J. Cohen. PNC is an
experiential program in which Nature is the
teacher, so it is sometimes difficult to communicate the key ideas of
PNC in words. Mike communicates about Nature's
intelligence in verse in Sensible Incomprehensible.
Poet C. D. Redman, after attending three community PNC nature meditations,
wrote Connecting with
Nature. Activist and teacher Allison Weeks attended an
advanced training with Dr. Cohen and reflects on
the experience in Lesson from
Nature: Disappearing boundaries.
We learn lessons about ourselves in nature,
and we have three narratives about these lessons. In Moon Gravy - sights
and sounds offshore Alan Keitt describes his experiences sailing
offshore in a storm. In New Beginnings,
wilderness adventure guide Jan Brooks writes about contrasts as we
cross natural boundaries. In Running towards
the moon Australian graduate student Sylvie Shaw describes her
connection to her place by the sea.
We are blessed with lots of poetry
this month. Echo of a sigh
caling me by Damian Finn, Orbits by Bob Worcester,
Connecting with
Nature by C. D. Redman, Fear Dog
by Alan Keitt, Scenes from a
Shoreline by Tana Worcester, and Sensible
Incomprehensible by Michael J. Cohen. These poets speak for
The two books reviewed in this issue are about the self knowledge that comes from doing things in
or on the
water. In Waterlog - Wild Swimming,
Harriet Wood looks at swimming and in first you have to row a little boat
- Life as a day sail John Scull considers small boat sailing.
About the Writers
Most of the contributors to this issue of
Gatherings have participated before and you are referred to the earlier
issues for their biographical information. We have several new
voices in this issue (in addition to E. E. Cummings). C. D.
(Dave) Redman is a poet living in Crofton, British Columbia.
Allison Weeks is an ecological activist, facilitator, and teacher living on Camano
Island, Washington. Tana Worcester is a graduate student in
marine management in Nova Scotia. Jan Brooks is a wilderness
experience leader in Colorado. Thanks to all of you for sharing
your words with us.
"maggie and milly and molly and
may" from COMPLETE POEMS: 1904-1962 by E. E. Cummings, Edited by
George J. Firmage (ISBN 0-87140-152-50, is used with the permission of
Liveright Publishing Corporation.
Copyright © 1956, 1984, 1991 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings
Trust. Also in SELECTED POEMS OF E. E. CUMMINGS (ISBN 0-87140-154-1).
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